Please Believe in Yourself

Hello Everyone!


These last few months of my life have been extremely interesting all while finding my way to my true self. I know I always put a great amount of emphasis on believing in yourself, chasing your dreams, and never letting anyone tell you what you can or can’t do in this life. This is YOUR life. Each person, past and present, have had or is getting the chance to create themselves and their life for what they want it to be. You are entitled to that same free will. Unhappiness can be changed only if you have the motivation to make the change. No one can live life for you even though at times we wish that could be possible. Actually, it is possible, but that is when you become a slave to your reality without freedom within your heart.

Just several months ago, I was lost, broken, confused, and off balanced about which direction I should go in life. And when I finally released a bit of control and gave my worries and heartache over to God, my life is in alignment. My purpose, who knows what their purpose truly is until their last days. I believe in myself beyond measures and more than I thought I ever could. I’ve had the support of my family, close friends, and even strangers who couldn’t even begin to know me but none of that ever mattered because I didn’t believe in myself enough. Low self esteem and a slim amount of confidence can’t get you very far in life. You have to wake up each day, look into the mirror, look into your eyes and tell yourself that you are important, you matter, your life matters, and what you have to say is important.

believe in yourself

Dreams matter. At times I feel like some of my dreams are too far fetched, like life can’t really be how I want it. But why can’t it? Is it not something I deserve if I work hard enough for it? Claiming your life as your own is the very first step to happiness.

-Make a list of goals for yourself
Short term and long term, trust me I know how hard this could be but once you find your direction it all falls into place

-Allow only supportive and positive people within your circle
If it’s someone you want to keep around, then speak to them about any issues, if they continue to taint your life, then place a space between the two

-Create some positive affirmations and say them to yourself in the mirror (THIS REALLY WORKS!)

-Care about your looks
They matter

-Establish your dream and your true purpose
Since I’m not going to go to heavy into this topic, there are some great articles online about discovering what you really want to do with your life

Know that you are unique and there is no one else like you and the package that you have to offer. Everyone has their own light. You choose whether to let it shine or not.

lnc believe in yourself

Copyright 2013 Ta’Mesha Smith

Published by MeshaLeigh

Writing is what keeps me. Welcome to my world :)

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